Audiology Jobs: £200 to appear in 4 of The Hearing Lab Store's weekly (ish) newsletter. Complete the form and checkout.

Are you looking to hire talented professionals for your audiology business? Our industry newsletter is the perfect platform to reach a targeted audience of over 4.5 thousand industry professionals every week.


With our job listing spaces, you can advertise your job positions for just £200 per listing and have them appear in up to four issues of our newsletter. That means your job postings will reach thousands of potential candidates, helping you find the perfect fit for your business.


Our newsletter is a dependable source of industry news and updates, so active professionals who are enthusiastic about audiology will see your job openings. And with our affordable rates, you can advertise multiple positions without breaking the bank.


Don't miss out on the chance to reach a wide audience of industry professionals. Advertise your job opportunities and start finding the best talent for your business!

If you're looking for a job or just want to keep an eye on what positions become available, then simply sign up for our newsletter, and you'll receive an updated list once a week.